Domain Problems
There are 3 basic kinds of Domain problems:
1. domain is nulled / doesn't resolve you type it into browser get your ISP error page: If this happens and your domain is paid up its likely nulled by the registry due to your having ignored domain verification notices see : Domain Verification
2. domain resolves but misdirected : usually wrong name servers or dns issue sending it to wrong location verify your using our default name servers or if using external name servers your DNS has the correct A record IP address for your hosting server as displayed in your cPanel server information.
3. domain resolves, displays in browser but no website comes up: This is usually a code issue where its not loading often due to auto updates of your code that require a newer version of PHP use the php manager in your cPanel to try newer PHP branch or check your error.log file for errors in your codes directory for clues.
Domain Is Expired: If you have auto bill set to on, a domain renewal invoice will be generated and a notification email sent to your Account Email 33 days prior to expiration. In addition 2 notices are sent by the registry to the domains Administrative Email Contact 14 days and 5 days from expiration reminding you that the domain requires renewal. If you don't pay your renewal all associated services will also stop working. You can log into your Account and pay the renewal invoice at normal pricing up to 30 days after expiration. If auto-bill is off then no invoice is generated but you will get a renewal reminder email only and you can log into your Account , go to the Domains section, and select renew domains to manually pay and renew your domain.
Domain Active But Services Not Working: If your domain is paid in full then either :
1. That its name servers are not set to your Service Providers Network. For customers the domain must be set to /
2. The domain is suspended by the Registry due to failing Domain Validation. Domain Validation is a new policy implemented by ICANN in 2014 to insure your domain contact information is accurate and working. If your domainWHOIS Status shows "Client Hold" then emails sent by the registry to you failed and they disabled the domain at the registry level. To fix the problem Log into your Account Portal go to the Domains / My domains / Manage Domain link , Unlock your domain and update your Domains Registrant and Administrative email addresses to one that works. Upon saving the new information a new validation email be resent within a few minutes. Once you approve the Verification the Domain your services shall return to their previous state. See new ICANN mandated Domain Validation Policy.