Account Problems

Account Problems

Problem Logging Into Your Account: The Account Portal uses the default email address and password sent to you upon signup.See Account Instructions . Make sure you are using the correct account email address. (account email address is not necessarily the same as server based email addresses that you create). If you lost or changed your Account password you can Request a Password reset.

Help.Domain Doesn't Work:
help.your_hosted_domain will work as a shortcut only if your domain is active and using our name servers.  User  or to access our account portal instead.

Trouble Updating Account Profile or Sub-Account with New Email: Your Account has a main profile email address and you can add unlimited additional " sub account" users each with their own UNIQUE email address and permissions . This permits additional contacts that have either full access or just receive bills or for assigning a webmaster who can access your server without giving them billing or domain management access. Each contact must have its own unique email address. If you add or edit a user and get a "user already exists " error, its because that email is already in use by another sub-account or another profile. Choose a different email or remove the conflicting user.

For example if your main profile used and your sub-user already is setup with and you wanted to change the main account to use (which conflicts with the pre-existing sub-account) first change out the sub-account to something like (it don't even have to be a working or real email just something that won't conflict) You can then change the main profile from without error and then return to the sub-account and replace the with and all will be well.

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