I received a notice for an invoice but Im sure I am setup for Paypal Autopay What should I do ? : If your default payment method is Paypal and you setup a Paypal subscription then you will receive a payment receipt based on when your subscription payment is received. If you received a paypal payment receipt but did NOT receive a corresponding payment receipt from lowesthosting then log into your Account and verify the payment was applied and if not please open a ticket.
I received a notice for an invoice but Im sure I am setup for Credit Card Autopay What should I do ? : If your sure that autopay is setup there is nothing to do and your card on file will be billed 10 days prior to due date at which time you will receive a payment receipt. If you are not sure if you have auto pay setup just log into your Account and view your invoice which will display your default payment method in the upper right if its set to credit card then go to the Payment Methods under the main menu to confirm an active payment method is on file. You can even add a second credit card if desired. NOTE even if you are setup for autopay we must still send you 2 mandatory ICANN domain reporting requirements when the domain is 30 and 14 days from expiration so you will receive notices even if your autopay is on you can simply ignore these notices as your autopay should renew the domains 10 days from expiry. IMPORTANT : If you don't receive a payment receipt at 10 days from expiry please open a ticket requesting confirmation that autopay is setup for credit card ending in xxx.
I received an invoice with multiple items but only want to pay for select items ? : Please open a support ticket and specify the invoice number and which item(s) you wish to cancel and the staff will remove the line item and cancel the service.
How Do I Cancel A Domain that DOES NOT have associated Service ie: hosting , forwarding or email ? : Please Open a support ticket and request cancelation of domain name x. Our staff will cancel the billing however you will still be sent 3 mandatory ICANN domain expiry notices at 30 days 14 days and 3 days after expiry that you can simply ignore. The domain will then go into grace, redemption and deletion and released back into the open market.
How Do I Cancel A Domain and its associated Service ie: hosting , forwarding or email ? : Please log into you Account which will display your SERVICES on the main page and click the Red Cancel icon next to the service you will then need to answer the questions if you want to cancel the service alone or service and domain this will automatically cancel any invoices and set the service to canceled upon reaching expiration. Remember to remove any necessary emails or files before the cancelation.
How Do I Cancel A Service ie: hosting , forwarding or email but RETAIN the Domain : Please log into you Account which will display your SERVICES on the main page and click the Red Cancel icon next to the service which will ask you to confirm the cancelation and offer you the option to retain or cancel the domain so specify you wish to cancel only the service and your Domain will not be effected.
I was charged for a service that I thought I cancelled ? : You must open a ticket or use the automated self cancelation option explained above to cancel services. If you feel there is an error log into your account and search your close or old tickets to find the ticket you requested the cancelation and reopen it and explain the problem to the staff and provide the transaction date and amount and id and it will be reviewed and refunded if charged improperly.