Password Problems


ACCOUNT: Your Account Password is the only password you need since it permits access to your Billing as well as Domain Managment and cPanel which in turn permits resetting of eMail and Ftp passwords so its crucial that you protect your Account Password and don't give it out to anyone else. If you need to allow other users access you can add Sub-Account Users.

Your Account email and password are what ever email address you used during signup or whatever you last updated in our system and and should not be confused with the server based email accounts you create. Just because you create an email on your server don't make it authorized for your Account, only those Email Addresses you specify on your Profile or Sub Accounts are Authorized for Account access or to receive Support.

Changing Your Account Password:
After logging into your Account click on the "change password" menu below the "hello" menu.

IF YOUR ACCOUNT EMAIL NO LONGER WORKS: You can log into your Account EVEN IF THE ACTUAL EMAIL ACCOUNT YOU ENTER DON'T WORK as long as you enter the correct Account Email and its correct coresponding password.

ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT VIA A SECONDARY EMAIL: Our Account system permits you to have one Primary Profile with the option to add unlimited Sub-Account users each with their own Email and Password. If you setup a Sub-Account that you gave full access permissions and know its password, then you can use the Sub-Account Email and Password to access the Account and once logged in edit / update the Primary Email or password.

IF YOU FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD: If you are sure the email account you are using is correct for the Main or Sub account and you can receive email to it, you can use the " Request A Password Reset "
option wich will send a resent link to your Account Email address. Once logged in you should update "My Details" for any changes to your billing information, email or phone.

If you Lost Your Account Password:
Click on the Account Pasword Reset link to have it resent to your email on file. If you lost the ability to receive emails to your email on file you will need to re-authenticate account ownership by emailing with your Account "Secret Question & Answer" or proof of purchase via the date and transaction id from your last purchase.

Note: Because your Domain & Hosting / Email files can be very valuable we maintain strict Privacy and Security Policies to insure that only those authorized parties can access or reset passwords. You can not simply call our offices claiming to be the owner or email us from an email address not previously authorized for the account. See our Authorized Useage Policy for more information.

I Lost my Cpanel Password?

Because of our Single Sing On system, you only need to be able to log into your account and from there you can automatically log into your cpanel by clicking on the cPanel link under the Services listed on your home page.

Direct cPanel Login Credentials: If you are working with a webmaster who you wish to have access to all of your hosting accounts you can add your webmaster as a Sub-Account and they will also be able to access your cpanel. If you have more than one hosting account but only want your webmaster or manager to access a single server, you will need to give them your direct cPanel login and password for that server. Click on "Services / My Services" to view all of your Services and click on "View Details" for the hosting account desired then click the "Change Password" tab to view your current Direct cPanel Login & Password which you can provide to your Webmaster. The advantage of this method is you can log into your Account and change the cPanel password at any time locking your webmaster or anyone else out. We are working on improvments to the Account portal that will allow you to directly assign which servers the webmaster will have access to.

I Lost my Email Users Password?

Email passwords were set when you created the email account on your server and are encrypted and not recoverable. If you want to confirm a password that you have is correct for a given email account you can test it using the online webmail system at webmail.yourdomain and if accepted you know its correct. If you lost the password for a given Email account you will need to log into cPanel, select the Email account, and use the "Change password" option to assign a new password to it. SeeEmail Accounts in the knowlege base. Remember to give each email account a unique and STRONG password.

I Lost my FTP Password?

FTP passwords were set when you created the FTP account and are encrypted and not recoverable. If you lost the password for a given FTP account you will need to log into cPanel, select the FTP account, and use the "change password" option to assign a new password. See more information on FTP in Knowledge Base.

I Lost my Database password?

Database passwords are encrypted on the server. You can generally find them out by analyzing the configuration files for your scripts that call the database. If you have difficulty open aSupport Ticket and specify the script name and database name, and our staff will attempt to retrieve it for you.

Domain Password?

The "Domain Manager" is the only place you can manage your domains and is built into your Account Portal and no separate passwords are required

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