Lowesthosting.com, it's divisions, related web sites, and all respective text, images and other content are © 2023 Lowest Hosting LLC dba Lowesthosting.com. Any use, reuse, redistribution and/or modification of said content is a violation of US and International copyright laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of these laws.
By using our web hosting services, you agree to comply with our policies. Common sense is the best guide as to what is considered acceptable use. The following are unacceptable uses:
Illegality in any form.
This includes but is not limited to; unauthorized distribution or copying of copyrighted material, violation of US export restrictions, harassment, fraud, drug dealing, gambling, pyramid or ponci schemes and other illegal activities. Provision of our services to others through your hosting account.This includes but is not limited to; provision of e-mail addresses, Web Hosting, or storage space to people outside your organization or company, or to the general public. Unauthorized resale or use of Lowesthosting.com features and/or services.
Unacceptable Content Types
We do not allow the hosting of or linking to Adult Content, or sites that include or promote gambling, prostitution, pornography, or illegal drug dealing in any form. Lowest hosting provides website storage space not general file storage space as such all files stored on the server must be used in conjunction with the hosted website. If you would like to know if we consider the content you wish to host acceptable, please contact our offices at admin@Lowesthosting.com
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall Lowesthosting.com, it's officers, employees or management be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive or other consequential damages (including, without limitation, lost profits and damages related to corruption or deletion of website contents) arising out of or in relation to this agreement or your use or inability to use Lowesthosting.com's services (including, but not limited to, inoperability of Lowesthosting.com's servers), regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, even if Lowesthosting.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Lowesthosting.com is not liable in any way for the content posted, opinions expressed, or actions of the users of our services. Any concerns about the above should be sent directly to our administrative department at admin@Lowesthosting.com
The provisions of this Policy are intended as guidelines and are not meant to be exhaustive. Generally, conduct that violates law, regulation, or the accepted norms of the Internet community, whether or not expressly mentioned in this Policy, is
prohibited. Lowesthosting.com reserves the right at all times to prohibit activities that damage its commercial reputation and goodwill.
Data Transfer
Lowesthosting.com allows an unlimited amount ofcombined webpage transfer per month for each shared hosting account when serving normal webpages and web related files. Transfer is measured as as the combined data uploaded to the server plus data downloaded from the server inclusive of all backups and logs.
Media & File Distribution
In addition to web page traffic, Lowest Hosting provides https media streaming support for animated introductions, short video and audio clips for realaudio, realvideo, mp3, flash files and small executable files up to 200GB per month per account. Website may not replay or redistribute copy written media or any other material without proper author consent. Lowest hosting servers are not to be used for song swapping services i.e.: "napster" or streaming or fixed file music servers.
File Storage, Integrity, Backup and Deletion Policies
Clients use of servers is for storage of website related files. It is the responsibility of the account owner to insure the integrity of file uploads and retaining a copy of critical files or backup any files using the file manager, ftp or backup wizard to take backups to their local computer. Files flagged by Lowesthosting as being outside of our TOS permitted file type or size or quantity inode limitations may be deleted, renamed or made immutable at the discretion of our technical staff at any time. Lowesthosting shall to the best of its abilities insure your server is working to industry storage standards but due to technical limitations can not insure the integrity or operability of any files uploaded to our servers. Lowesthosting shall maintain its own internal backup system used to take data snapshots for its internal use to attempt to restore client data in the event of catastrophic drive failure. Backups are routinely overwritten and Lowesthosting makes no guarantee of restored data availability or integrity. No guarantee is made of file integrity or availability after service expiration client files may be retained or deleted based on policy or server requirements.
legal Use
Lowesthosting.com servers may be used only for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution, storage or linking to any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws. Examples of non-acceptable content or links: "Pirated software", "Hackers programs or archives", "Warez Sites", "Irc Bots", "Chat Sites/Servers", "Pornography". We will be the sole arbiters as to what constitutes a violation of any of these provisions.
Examples of unacceptable material on all Shared servers include:
IRC Scripts/Bots
Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
Pirated Software/Warez
Image Hosting Scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
IP Scanners
Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to rapidshare)
Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
Escrow/Bank Debentures
High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid Scheme)
Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s)
Prime Banks Programs
Lottery/Gambling Sites
Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
Sites promoting illegal activities
Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
Bank Debentures/Bank Debenture Trading Programs
Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at aa419.org & escrow-fraud.com)
Push button mail scripts
Email Relay Services
Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc)
Tell A Friend Scripts
Anonymous or Bulk SMS Gateways
Bitcoin Miners
System and Network Security
Violations of system or network security are prohibited, and may result in criminal and civil liability. Examples include, but are not limited to the following: unauthorized access, use, probe, or scan of a systems security or authentication measures, data or traffic. Interference with service to any user, host or network including, without limitation, mail bombing, flooding, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks. Forging of any TCP-IP packet header or any part of the header information in an e-mail or a newsgroups posting.
Misuse of System Resources
It is a violation for anyone who, including but not limited to, employs posts or programs which consume excessive CPU time or storage space, permits the use of mail services, mail forwarding capabilities, POP accounts, or auto responders other than for their own account; or resale of access to CGI scripts installed on our servers. Each hosting account shall store and serve it's own conent. Offering content stored on your hosting account as active content ie: hot links to be incorporated into other websites are not permitted.
The use of more than 250,000 inodes on any shared account may potentially result in a warning first, and if no action is taken future suspension. Accounts found to be exceeding the 100,000 inode limit may be removed from our backup system to avoid over-usage. Every file (a webpage, image file, email, etc) on your account uses up 1 inode.
Sites that slightly exceed our inode limits are unlikely to be suspended; however, accounts that constantly create and delete large numbers of files on a regular basis, have hundreds of thousands of files, or cause file system damage may be flagged for review and/or suspension.
Tortuous Conduct
No one shall post defamatory, scandalous, or private information about a person without their consent, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, or violating trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights.
Sending unsolicited mail messages, including, without limitation, commercial advertising and informational announcements, is expressly prohibited. A user shall not use another site's mail server to relay mail without the express permission of the site.
It is contrary to Lowesthosting.com policy for customers to use our servers to effect or participate in any of the following activities: To post to any Usenet or other newsgroups, forum, e-mail mailing list or other similar group or list articles which are off-topic according to the charter or other owner-published FAQ or description of the group or list; To send unsolicited mass
e-mailings, if such unsolicited e-mailings provoke complaints from the recipients; To engage in any of the foregoing activities using the service of another provider, but channeling such activities through a Lowesthosting.com provided server, or using a Lowesthosting.com provided server as a mail drop for responses; To falsify user information provided to Lowesthosting.com or to other users of the service in connection with use of a Lowesthosting.com service. Consequences of Violation See our Bulk Mail Policy for additional information.
When Lowesthosting.com becomes aware of an alleged violation of its Acceptable Use Policy, Lowesthosting.com will initiate an investigation. During the investigation Lowesthosting.com may restrict Customer 's access in order to prevent further possible unauthorized activity. Depending on the severity of the violation, Lowesthosting.com may, at its sole discretion, restrict, suspend,or terminate Customer's account without notice or refund, and/or pursue other civil remedies.
If such violation is a criminal offense, Lowesthosting.com will notify the appropriate law enforcement department of such
violation. Lowesthosting.com does not issue payment refunds for any outages incurred through service disablement resulting from violations of this agreement.
Domain Name Usage Policies
Lowesthosting.com is an authorized sales agent for Dotregistrar / domain.com an ICANN approved registrar. All domain names are purchased on behalf of our clients and registered in their name based upon the information contained on the initial order. New Domain name spelling and TLD type are defined by the client via the order form and can not be changed or refunded after purchase. All new domains are set to locked status by default. Customers can manage their Domain(s) via their account portal for updating Registrant, Administrative, Billing & Technical information which will appear in the public WHOIS. Customers can also lock or unlock their domain or modify their Name Servers. Customers wishing to Transfer Domains are required to make their request via a support ticket after which an EPP transfer code shall be issued.Domain availability or dispute is handled via ICANN directly. Lowest hosting will to the best of it's ability maintain it's clients domain DNS information to insure proper association with the Lowest Hosting server however it is the sole responsibility of the Domain owner to purchase, manage and renew their domain name, insure their domain is active and its whois information up to date, comply with ICANN domain validation rules and update their domains DNSto point to Lowesthosting.com's network or any external hosting service provider of their choice.
Domain Privacy
Domain privacy may be ordered at the time of domain purchase by selecting it as an option at checkout. Domain privacy does not change the mandatory icann requirements that the domain registrant and administrative information be accurate and up to date. Domain privaicy will display the registrars privacy dept instead of the clients personal or corporate information in the WHOIS database and will provide an email relay service to relay email to the domain to the owners actual domain registrant email as displayed in the domain registrant of the clients account portal.
Domain Transfers
If you wish to transfer a domain from another registrar to lowesthosting.com your domain must meet our inbound transfer requirements of (1) the domain must be older than 60 days since original registration (2) not less than 10 days until expiration (3) unlocked (4) EPP code issues not less than 24 hours old (5) Name servers set. Upon confirmation and receipt an invoice will be generated that includes your EPP code and upon payment Lowesthosting shall initiate the transfer request to the registry.Due to the many steps involved in a registrar transfer no warranty is made that any domain transfer will be completed within a guaranteed time period or completed at all. If a transfer can not be completed for a domain the a full refund shall be issued. If a transfer can not be completed for a domain and hosting account package, the free domain shall instead be converted to two extra months hosting at no charge. The domain is always the responsibility of the client and Lowesthosting.com is not responsible for any fees or reimbursement associated with costs of renewing your domain with your current registrar or loss of business as a result of problems or delays within the registry associated with the transfer. Customers wishing to transfer their domain outbound should unlock it in their Account Portal and open a ticket requesting an EPP code which shall be issued via email.
Account Passwords
Lowesthosting.com systems permit client to create and manage all system Account, Server and Domain passwords. It is the sole responsibility of the client to manage these passwords and change them where required to maintain account security. Lowesthosting.com will not release private login or password information to any party other than the original account holders current billing email address address and may require additional proof of identity for authentication.
Renewal Billing Policies
Accounts will be automatically notified that they have upcoming renewals 33 days prior to expiration of services using the email address provided by the client upon sign-up or as updated in our records Lowesthosting.com will make it's best effort to notify the client via e-mail on file at the time that the clients renewal is due however It is the sole responsibility of the client to make sure they pay for renewal of services prior to hosting or domain or service expiration and to update your billing profile via your Account Portal or notify Lowesthsting.com via email of any changes to their billing email address. Lowesthosting does offer automated renewal options however even where automatic renewals are selected it is always the responsibility of the Domain owner to insure the renewal was successfully issued. Lowesthosting shall to the best of its ability submit all domain renewals to the registrar via its automated systems upon invoice payment however Lowesthostingdoes not guarantee the renewal of any domain until after it has received a success confirmation by the registrar and it is still the customers responsibility to confirm the domain is renewed via the WHOIS. Although Lowesthosting.com shall promptly refund or credit the customer on account for any domain renewal that its registrar is unable to process. Domain renewals once issued by the registry are non refundable. Any domain not renewed by the customer within the Grace Period of 40 days may be resold on open market. Any attempt to renew a domain and reverse payment where payment is not made in full for the term issued is theft of service and the domain will be locked and ownership of the domain will revert to Lowesthosting who paid the registry renewal costs.
Renewal Payment Methods
Lowesthosting shall make efforts to notify the customer of all upcoming domain and service renewals via the email on file and where set by the customer renewals may be processed manually or if credit card or subscription payment is set may be automated. If a valid credit card is saved on file the system will attempt to pay open invoice(s) 10 days prior to invoice due date. If the payment transaction is approved the renewals issued and payment receipt issued via email. Where the card on file fails the customer will be sent an email notifying them to login and manually pay the renewal and update their card on file. Lowesthosting shall make its best effort to renew paid domains and services on behalf of the customer however because renewals can be time sensitive and rely upon third party systems outside of our control, it is still the customers responsibility to insure that the services paid for are renewed and working and operating to their satisfaction. Payments are accepted via secure online Account Billing System via Visa, Master Card, Paypal or Electronic Funds Transfer. Lowesthosting does NOT accept payment sent via paper check via postal mail or other delivery services. Lowesthosting.com is not responsible in any way for any loss of revenue or business due to account suspension or deletion. If payment is not received by the expiration of a domain name or hosting service(s) purchased through Lowesthosting.com, then the registrars rules shall govern the management and release of the domain. The registrar in most cases will provide a small grace period whereby the domain shall be locked for renewal solely by the client for a period that may vary from 5-40 days.
Approved Communication Methods
Lowesthosting.com will use your primary account email address to notify you for billing, support or domain expiry notifications. In rare cases where email is not working your cell phone where noted may be used to contact you by our staff if all other means of communication are unavailable. Lowesthosting does not sell your information to any third parties as outlined in our privacy policy.
Domain Redemption Policy
If a customer does not renew their domain prior to expiration or during the limited 10-30 day Grace Period after expiration the domain is removed from our registrar by the applicable registry and it can no longer be renewed. In most cases the domain can be redeemed if it is between Expiration+ 30 days through Expiration +90 after which the domain is deleted and becomes available for purchase by anyone as a new domain. In most cases Lowesthosting can redeem the domain for our customer if they are willing to pay a registry redemption fee of $100 to $139 plus any renewal fees. If domains are not redeemed, they will go into deletion phase and released back to the central registry for general public availability based upon the policy of the individual registry.
New Domain Purchases
Lowesthosting.com shall submit all new domain orders to the registry upon receipt of payment however because of the dynamic nature of the domain system the domain purchase is NOT guaranteed until the actual registry receipt is confirmed. In the rare event that the domain was taken by another registrar, error in the registry or delays to the processing of the order due to fraud screen or system delays that result in the domain not being available for registration, a full refund shall be issued or credit applied to purchase of an alternate domain name.
SSL Certificate Policies
Lowesthosting.com is an authorized sales agent for Geotrust and offers their Quick SSL certificates along with installation. All SSL certificate orders also requre the purchase of a Dedicated IP address as part of the SSL requrement. All SSL certificates are purchased on behalf of our clients and registered in their name based upon the information contained in their Account SSL certificates are uniquely purchased for the customers needs and are non changable or refundable once ordered. Lowesthosting includes at no extra charge installation of any Geotrust SSL sold. Clients providing their own SSL certificates must order a dedicated IP address for them to work and will be self installed by the client. Lowesthosting.com does not install third party ssl certificates for free and if a client wishes to order their own SSL from another provider they may do so and use the self installation option which permits them to self generate their required CSR and Private Key.
Dedicated IP Policies
Lowesthosting.com offers the sale of IPV4 dedicated IP addresses with justification for clients that requre them for commerce , dedicated mail servers or SSL needs. These IP's are rented not owned by the client and are part of our internal IP Allocation and can transfered outside of our network facility. Pricing for dedicated IP's is published on our website.
DNS Service Policies
Lowesthosting.com offers use of its central name servers which is included with all hosting and email + forwarding accounts. Clients with domains or email accounts desiring to use and control custom DNS Zones using our name servers will be required to order DNS/ Forwarding addon which will provide them with their own DNS Panel to manage their DNS Zone files as well as permit them technical support for DNS Zone issues. Customers granted DNS self management will be required to properly set their DNS so that they map only to ip space they are responsible for. Failure to do so may result in our revocation of DNS management.
Account Cancellation by User
You may use the self cancellation option for any service and its associated domain within your account portal or notify us via e-mail by opening a support ticket to support@lowesthosting.com from the same email address currently used for your main Account profile or by logging into your Account and opening a new support ticket. Open the ticket with subject "Cancel Selected Services" and specify on each line exactly what you wish to cancel ie: Cancel Domain Name X.com or Cancel Domain Name & Hosting for X.com one per line. Notification may be made at any time and is without additional cost or penalty. It is the customers responsibility to confirm the cancellation was received by Lowesthosting.com. Once notice of cancellation is received, Lowesthosting.com hosting shall provide a refund via credit card, PayPal or check at its discretion.
Cancellation of Domains: Domain names are non refundable however we shall cancel the domain from future billing. All other server bases services for Webhosting or Email will be issued a prorated refund.
Customers who used our "Free Domain" coupon or received a Free Domain Transfer but cancel before the completion of the initial 1 year term will be refunded for hosting less the domain cost. Cancellations within the first 30 days will receive back 100% of monies paid less only the cost of the domain if a domain or domain transfer was supplied. Cancellations after 30 days will receive a prorated refund for the full balance of any unused annual billing cycle based upon the number of months of service remaining in billing cycle. Domain costs, and consumed hosting services are non refundable.In the event the customer attempts to circumvent the cancellation procedure by forcing a charge-back or reversal of payment or other dispute Lowesthosting.com shall retain rights to the domain name(s), website files, stored email files until such fees are and any penalties imposed by Lowesthosting.com are paid.
It is the clients responsibility to remove any valuable files, emails or databases from our network before cancellation and can use our Jet-Backup system to take a download of your entire account. Lowesthosting shall retain all client website files on it's servers for 10 days after expiration of services at which point we reserve the right to delete all files and emails. In some cases Lowesthosting.com may elect to store the files from an expired hosting account for a longer period at its discretion. Former clients desiring to access to files stored on our servers or restoration of files from our backup servers (if available) will incur a $29.00 access charge and will be given a temporary download link.
Libelous, Defamatory or Slanderous Conduct
Any customer or former customer who elects to post negative or defamatory comments on public forums or websites against our firm shall void our Privacy Agreement and Lowesthosting may at its discretion post your redacted communications to validate our position and defend our reputation.
Lowesthosting.com reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any provision of this Policy at any time without notice. The date of last modification to this policy is 1/09/2004
Reporting Network Abuse
Any party seeking to report any violations Lowesthosting.com’s policy may contact us via e-mail: abuse@Lowesthosting.com