

Password Tools: Your server is under constant attack by hackers and spammers looking to break into your Account Portal, Control Panel, Ftp accounts and Email accounts so its CRUCIAL that you choose strong passwords. you can use this Password Strength Checker to test any password or this Strong Password Generator to help create new strong passwords.


Connectivity & Technical Support Tools: Use to trouble shoot when you can't connect to your server or website

Our servers operate with better than 99.9% uptime but your server is only one part of the equation. If your domain and hosting are paid in full and your domains Name Servers set to our Network you are most likely Fire-walled or experiencing DNS Caching.

Common connectivity problems include:

  • Browser Cache Problem.
  • Firewall Software Problem on your local computer.
  • Pop Up blocker Software.
  • ISP DNS Resolver or Router Cache Problem.
  • ISP Port Blocks for smtp ports.
  • Internet Backbone Router Problem.
  • Domain's DNS not set to our Name Servers.
  • Network Name Server Problem.
  • Web Server Firewall Problem.
  • Missing or Corrupted Index Page
  • Incorrectly Set htaccess file.
  • Corrupted MySQL Tables.
  • Domain Registry Problem.



Bluebits Port Tool:Checks maill ports for SMTP 25 & 587, POP3 110, IMAP 143, FTP 21. Set to TCP and enter the address of the service ie: mail.yourdomain and port to verify your ISP is not blocking ports needed to get to our servers. and paste the output text into your support ticket.

Ping Plotter Trace Route: Checks the networks , routers, and switches and packet loss between your location to our server via TCP packets over port 80.
Download and run to verify your ISP or Backbone is not dropping packets or null routing you outside of our network. Enter your website then copy and past the traceroute output to a support ticket for our staff to assist you with. (Works with most older 32 bit XP, Vista Systems)

Win Monitor Trace Route:Checks the networks , routers, and switches and packet loss between your location to our server via TCP packets over port 80. Download and run to verify your ISP or Backbone is not dropping packets or null routing you outside of our network. Enter your website then copy and past the trace-route output to a support ticket for our staff to assist you with.



What Route:Checks mail ports for SMTP 25 & 587, POP3 110, IMAP 143, FTP 21,
Download and run to verify your ISP is not blocking ports needed to get to our servers and paste the output text into your support ticket.



Jing is a free screen capture program that will work on any operating system. Use Jing to take a screenshots or short videos of your software configuration pages or other systems that you are having difficulty with and provide the link in your support ticket so our staff can assist you.



Anonymouse Web Proxy:Lets you view your website as if from another location. Useful to see how your website looks from outside of your local ISP since your're connecting to an external computer which then connects back to your website. In addition your browser is doing a fresh lookup so it also bypasses any cached files that your browser saved. If you can see your site using the Proxy but not on your local computer then there is a problem with your local ISP router or Browser file cache. If you have cleared your browser cache and still don't see your website then the problem is with your local ISP router cache and will generally resolve within 24 hours since the ISP resets their router cache daily.


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