Name Servers

Any Domain provided by Lowesthosting is controlled via your Account Portal / Domains section.  Domains must be UNLOCKED before any changes can be made or  you will receive an Object Status error.  Refer to Managing Your Domain Knowledge Base article.  

For Clients using Hosting or Email or DNS Services provided by Lowesthosting the domain must be set to Lowest Hosting Name Servers which are:



NOTE:  updating name servers will decouple your domain from our network and will effect your website and email services.  In most cases it is better to leave the Name Servers with Lowesthosting and update individual DNS Zones to re-map to external services.  

If you are not sure of how to manage or modify DNS please open a support ticket and explain your goals to our staff who can provide the best plan of action to insure you do not have downtime with any of the services we provide.

  • name servers, domain name server, lowest hosting default name servers
  • 6 Users Found This Useful
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