Account Corespondence

For legal and security reasons and to insure prompt quality support, all correspondence from is done via our account ticketing system .  You may initiate a support ticket by logging into your Account portal at or  or the Client link on our website.  Once logged in you can click the "Open Ticket" link or view and reopen former ticket via the Support / Tickets link.   We also permit you to open a support ticket by sending an email from your account email address to which will be converted to a support ticket.

Upon creation of a support ticket you will receive a formal ticket receipt within one minute with your ticket number sent to your account email address(s).  Our staff will need time to evaluate your request, do any validation, analysis, effect repairs or escalations and compose a reply which will display as a notice in your Account as well as an email to your Account email. 

If using email it is crucial you reply back with the same ticket id in the subject of your email so the conversation thread is continuous and understandable.  Only open ONE support ticket per issue and provide relevant information as detailed as possible.  Our staff will internally assign and escalate the ticket to the applicable department and respond back in writing and all tickets are archived to your ticket history so you have a formal record.

 If you do not get our automatic ticket receipt within ONE MINUTE then you are not able to receive our staff replies and should log into your account to open / reply to tickets instead of using email OR use a different email address to communicate.

If you open a ticket from any email OTHER than those listed on your account you will still get a ticket reply but your ticket will not be authenticated. This means (a) it is treated as a non client general request and processed at a lower priority  (b) we can not provide you with sensitive account information or action anything to the account because we can't guarantee the sender is actually our customer. 


Your account is 100% self managed and you can log in anytime and update your account email (or other information for your account or domain registrant or add secondary Sub Account Users to add other staff or a secondary Account email address.   

We CAN update your account  to use a  NEW ACCOUNT EMAIL only if you write to us from the new email address and request an account email update and provide the original account email and the last date of payment, amount and transaction id from your Credit card or Paypal  as proof.

The reason we require all communication to be via an authorized email address listed on your account is to prevent a common practice known as Social hacking.  This is where hackers use public information to impersonate a client by locating the email address of a domain owner and identify their web host from the name servers, then create a free gmail or hotmail account and write to the web host and claim to be the owner asking them to update their email allowing them to gain account access and steal the domain, deface the website or send spam.


We will not use a phone for customer support there is no audit trail and too easily misunderstood for the highly technical or detailed billing issues we deal with.  If you don't like typing  all modern computers and phones permit voice to text dictation permitting you  so you can speak to answer or open a ticket.  For windows see    For Macintosh see:

You may view all past support tickets via your Account Portal support history and other operational email notices via your Email History which is below the "hello" menu in your Account Portal.

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