Email Signatures allow you to auto sign email that you send with your name and website or company information or a logo or picture or other information you want appended to every email you send.
If you are using your mobile device and / or computer based email client software such as thunderbird or outlook then you would setup signatures according to those systems instructions.
- Log into your Webmail dashboard and choose the RoundCube .
- From the RoundCube dashboard, click on the Settings option in the upper right corner of the screen.This brings you to the RoundCube Settings screen.
- Locate and click on the Identities tab. You are now on the Identities list screen.
- Find and click on the desired identity in the left hand panel.
- Clicking on the identity brings up two tabs in the right hand panel. Click on the Signatures tab. If you wish to use HTML in your signature, simply click the HTML Signature checkbox. This will cause the Signature field to change over for HTML allowing for special formatting.
- Enter your desired custom signature in the Signature field.
- Once entered, click on the Save button located underneath the tabs.You have now created your new email signature!